Monday, October 4, 2010

So Long Moses

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Ryan and I have been following the Church at Brook Hills chronological bible reading plan since January.  It is now October and today is the last day before the New Testament. I have read a different reading plan in the past, one where you read old and new testament at the same time, and I think I actually like that better.  However, in the last month or so, I have come to realize the one thing that is unique to a chronological plan, you truly anticipate the coming of Christ!  I have seen the rise and fall of the people of God,  I have read stories about imperfect kings, I see the need for restoration and salvation for Israel and the world, and I have heard the prophecies that a savior is coming.  After nine months in the Old Testament (in all its wonder... and confusion and sometimes unclarity) I am so ready for the prophesied King!  Below are the lyrics to a song by Andrew Peterson that I think is a beautiful telling of the story of the Old Testament and the Savior to come.

So Long Moses by Andrew Peterson
Album: Behold the Lamb of God

So long, Moses                                                   Hello, Joshua
Hello, Promised Land                                          Goodbye, Canaanites
It was a long, long road                                        We're coming to town
But your people are home                                    Twelve tribes and no crown
So long, Moses                                                   No crown, Oh Lord

We want a king on a throne
Full of power, with a sword in his fist
Will there ever be, ever be a king like this?

Hello, Saul                                                          Hail, King David
First king of Israel                                                Shepherd from Bethlehem
You were foolish and strong                                 Set the temple of God
So you didn't last long                                          In mighty Jerusalem
Goodbye, Saul

You were a king on a throne
Full of power, with a sword in his fist
Has there ever been, ever been a king like this?
Full of wisdom, full of strength, the hearts of the people are his
Hear, O Israel, was ever there a king like this?

Hello, prophets                                                 So speak, Isaiah
The kingdom is broken now                               Prophet of Judah
The people of God                                            Can you tell of the One
Have been scattered abroad                              This king who's going to come
How long, O Lord?

Will he be a king on a throne
Full of power with a sword in his fist?
Prophet, tell us will there be another king like this?
Full of wisdom, full of strength,
The hearts of the people are his
Prophet, tell us will there be
another king like this?

"He'll bear no beauty or glory
Rejected, despised
A man of such sorrow
We'll cover our eyes

He'll take up our sickness
Carry our tears
For his people
He will be pierced

He'll be crushed for our evils
Our punishment feel
By his wounds
We will be healed."

"From you, O Bethlehem
Small among Judah
A ruler will come
Ancient and strong."

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