Friday, October 1, 2010

Turning Over a New Leaf

    September was a little busy for Ryan and me.  Hence we only posted on our blog twice!  So in honor of October 1st, I am officially turning over a new leaf and starting to blog again.  

Fall is officially in the air in Birmingham, so here are a couple of my favorite things fall brings...

1. The cool weather: I love the brisk fall mornings and the sunny cool afternoons.  Perfect weather for hiking, picnics, and bike rides.  The fall weather always makes me think of my grandparents and the fun times we would have at the family farm during the cool months of hunting season.
Top: Me, Leigh, and Dad.  Bottom: Leigh, me, Mamaw, and Papaw.  Both taken at the farm.

2. The beautiful leaves: I love all the beautiful colors of fall.  Birmingham is always beautiful in the fall because of the rolling hills of the city that all the sudden turn to a beautiful palate of fall color.  The picture below is of the lake at Oak Mountain State Park, which is possible one of my favorite places in the world because of all the wonderful memories I made there with my family.  My parents live about 5 minutes from the park so we spent a lot of fall weekends hiking there.

Image from

Psalm 95 1-7 says, "Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rick of our salvation!  let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with song of praise!  For the Lord is a great God,and a great King above all gods.  In his hands are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.  Oh come let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!  For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand."

3. Football and Fall TV:  Cool Friday nights always make me think of high school football, which brings back wonderful memories of Ryan playing football and me cheering on the sideline.  Ryan and I now still love watching college football with friends on Saturdays.  

Ryan and I after a Friday Night game

It also must be mentioned as well that fall brings back "The Office", "Bones", "Modern Family", and "Glee" which is nice after the barren wasteland that is summer television.

4. Soup, Chili, and Cornbread:  The cool weather always means it is time to make a bowl of Santa Fe soup or Chili and some cornbread.  I love chili and hate that the summer is just too hot to make it!  

Image from

5. Jackets, Sweaters, and Boots:  Jackets are one of my favorite clothing items so I always love the first couple of days it is cool enough to pull out those jackets that you love but have not seen since early March.  After a long hot summer, it feels as those you have a whole new wardrobe once you pull out all those jackets, sweaters, and boots.

So that is what I love about fall.  What do you love about it?


  1. I love fall :). Just watched the office clip again... never gets old.

  2. I love the flashback pictures!! My favorite thing about fall is, hands down, pumpkin anything!!!!
